Multifocal Fitting Guidelines

Biofinity® multifocal lens fitting guidelines

A simplified fitting philosophy

Our new fitting process is based on eye care professionals’ real-world experiences.

  • Fitting lower ADD powers is now simpler than ever, by using the same D lens design for both eyes.
  • Fitting higher ADD powers continues to be flexible, giving you more options for exceptional vision performance.

Initial visit

Step 1

Start with a new refraction and verification of eye dominance (fogging technique).

Step 2

Select the distance prescription based on spherical equivalent corrected for the vertex distance.

Choose D or N lens design based on needed ADD power:

Step 3

Although lens will equilibrate quickly, allow patients to adapt to lenses for a minimum of 15 minutes before assessing vision.

If binocular vision is unacceptable, perform a monocular over refraction, using hand-held trial lenses, to determine which eye needs improvement.

To improve distance vision add +/-0.25D (up to +/-0.50D) to the eye that needs improvement.

To improve near vision add +/-0.25D (up to +/-0.50D) to the eye that needs improvement.

Clinical Tips

  • Prescribe maximum plus power for distance vision (Do not over minus).
  • Test patient’s near function vision with their cell phone.
  • Choose the lower ADD power when possible; not necessary to overprescribe the ADD power.
  • Check visual acuity with room lights on.

Follow-up visit one week later

If patient requires further enhancement to distance or near visual acuity.

Step 1

Evaluate binocular visual acuity.

Step 2

Check monocular visual acuity.

Step 3

Perform over refraction using hand-held trial lenses (avoid using a phoropter).

FIRST OPTION: To improve either distance or near vision, modify distance vision by +/- 0.25D in the eye that needs improvement.

SECOND OPTION: To improve near vision add +0.50D to the ADD power of the eye that needs improvement.

Toric Fitting Guidelines

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