Live® daily disposable
Are you looking for daily contact lenses that offer comfort, health, convenience and affordability? Live® daily disposable are silicone hydrogel 1-day contact lenses designed to meet these needs—enabling you to live life your way.

Live® for comfort—made using AquaGen® Technology, the sustained high water content in these silicone hydrogel 1-day contact lenses ensures excellent all-day comfort.

Live® for health—Live® daily disposable silicone hydrogel 1-day contact lenses allows 100% of the oxygen to reach your eyes, transmitting more than the recommended amount of oxygen2 across the whole lens surface, which helps keep your eyes in good health.

Child-friendly, soft contact lenses that are easy-to-use.1

Convenient daily disposable contact lenses – no need to clean or store them.
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Find Your LensRegistered under Act 737. GB8742020-42389. MDAMD XXX/2024
* Compared with a single-vision one-day lens over a three-year period.
† Over a 3 year period, MiSight® 1 day reduced myopia progression on average by 59% compared to a single vision contact lens.
‡ As reported by parents.
1 Chamberlain P, et al. A 3-year randomized clinical trial of MiSight® lenses for myopia control. Optom Vis Sci. 2019;96(8):556–567.
2 Sulley A, et al. Wearer experience and subjective responses with dual focus compared to spherical, single vision soft contact lenses in children during a 3-year clinical trial. Poster presented at AAO 2019, San Francisco, Calif.
3 Chamberlain P, et al, Further comparison of myopia progression in new and established myopia control treatment (MiSight® 1 day) groups. Presentation at BCLA 2019, Manchester, England.